Prior to our first appointment, I will ask you to complete a simple but detailed questionnaire that will provide me with a picture of your health, lifestyle and current diet.

The information you provide will enable me to undertake a thorough assessment of your nutritional status. After establishing your main health goal(s), we will look at the factors that may be playing a part in your symptoms. Specific tailored actions will then be agreed for you to implement, to start working towards a healthier you.

The next session, usually held two to three weeks later, will review progress and a new action plan will be agreed. A number of sessions may be necessary, particularly if your issues are longstanding, but this would be agreed between us. My approach is practical and realistic, and designed to provide you with helpful nutritional advice that can be incorporated into your lifestyle.
Programmes and prices

15 minute free enquiry call
Book now

Health review programme
Two 60 minute appointments
Book now

Additional 60 minute appointments
Book now

IBS relief programmes

Have you had enough of trying to manage your IBS symptoms? Are your symptoms stopping you from living the life you want? Do you need some clear guidance about how to deal with it for good?

I understand and I can help. My 12 week IBS nutrition programmes will address your symptoms with a two stage plan: to reduce your symptoms with the FODMAP plan (full explanation and food list given) and to review your digestive health to support any areas that may need it. We will catch up regularly during the 12 weeks so you are not on your own.

Take the first step back to health today by booking your programme with me. Book now

12 weeks
Appointments every three weeks

12 weeks
Appointments every two weeks

12 weeks
Appointments every week

Included in all IBS programmes
  • Health questionnaire and dietary analysis
  • Initial consultation and follow up appointments of 30 or 60 minutes
  • Personalised plan with nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations
  • Detailed FODMAP information
  • Quality supplement recommendations with client discount
  • Access to a range of laboratory and functional tests (additional cost)
  • Test result interpretation
  • Medication/nutrient/supplement interaction check
  • GP referral letter (if appropriate)
  • Email support for simple queries between appointments
  • Links to recipes and other educational materials
Phone, Zoom and Skype appointments available

The Drop Off Cafe
42 Market Street

The cafe is on a cobbled area just off Market Street. My room is is their workspace which is the door before the cafe





© Copyright 2008 Helen Walker Nutrition.
All rights reserved.